Please refer to our social media accounts and the News section for the latest offers and prices. For stock availability enquiries and to order, please get in touch via our social media links below. You can also buy our meat, home-tanned sheepskins and decorated skulls during your croft tour visit. Pick-up is from our croft in Rogart.
On the croft we keep cows, sheep, chickens and pigs that provide us with their delicious meat an eggs. Availability is limited as we only kill a small number of animals a year. Our farming philosophy is to rear the finest meat from animals kept in the most natural way and to the highest animal welfare standards. Quality, not quantity is what matters to us, as well as the story behind our meat and its traceability - From Field to Fork.

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Our cows are a cross of two native breeds - Highlands and Shorthorns. They live naturally in a herd and are kept outdoors all year round. During the summer months they stay in the hill and graze on fresh Highland herbs and grass. Once the weather starts to turn in the autumn, we move them down to the shelter of our birchwood. Though they are being fed at this time of the year, they graze on bogmyrtle and other native herbs now. The calves stay with their mothers and drink their nutritious milk until they are naturally weaned at the age of about one, when the new calves are born. Their diet and the natural life they live produce some of the finest beef imaginable.
Once the time comes, the steer to be butchered is taken to the abattoir in Dingwall, 1,5 hours drive from the croft, by trailer. This ensures the whole process to be as stressfree as possible for the animal.
We usually have different roasts, steaks, sausages, burgers and mince for sale. We offer pre-packed boxes, or you can choose a selection of cuts or even give me a certain budget to which you would like your box packed..

We send our hoggs away to winter down by the sea in the first year of their lives, where they can graze on richer pastures and grow better. Once matured, the sheep are living in the hills around the croft for most of the year, where they will also rear their lambs.
Our flock is a cross between Cheviots, Shetlands, Icelandics and Gotlands. Crossing a native breed in adds a distinctive, succulent flavour to the meat, while maintaining a reasonable carcass size. We believe that a slightly older animal has accumulated more flavour in its meat as, unlike a lamb, it has had more time to graze on fresh herbs and pasture.
Old season lamb (1-2 years old, otherwise known as hoggett) and mutton (older animals, here usually around 3 years old at the time of killing) are available and sold in boxes of half or whole carcasses, not in single cuts.


The pigs we rear on the croft live a happy, freerange outdoor life - as all our animals do. They have a large enclosure at their disposition, where they can turn up the ground, wallow and snooze between the rushes at their hearts' content.
As with the beef, single cuts or boxes are available and can be customised. To ensure animal welfare, the killing will be professionally done a short drive from the croft.

Our croft tour guests can collect their own free-range eggs and take them home - as many as they can find! If you are ordering meat from us and would like some eggs as well, please let me know in good time so I can keep some eggs for you.